Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Production Notes

"The Show Must Go On"
One week before shooting we lost our leading actress.
Everything else was ready to go but we didn't have The Gift Wrapper!!!
We decided to find her but of course we didn't have time for a casting call so we spread the word instead.
Wendy came along through Kelly Doherty, who plays Donna, the Super Mom Customer, and even though Wendy had plans to go to New York during our shoot days, she decided to stay and become our Gift Wrapper.
She was certainly a gift from Heaven!!!

"Trivia Mix"
* The Gift Wrapper's store is actually our Line Producer's living room in Venice, California and it took a whole week to dress it!
* In the script, the Gift Wrapper's character's name is Ella, an homage to Ella Fitzgerald, whose voice transcended the power of words.
* The final shot with the snow falling was also the Martini shot on the last day of shooting.
* None of the actors in this film are hard of hearing.
* Michelle Banks, the technical adviser on TGW is a hard of hearing actress based in Los Angeles who starred in The Gift Wrapper's Director's video-art piece THE END three years ago.
* This is the second collaboration between helmer Daniela De Carlo and D.P. Rob Webb.

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