After a very successful two-year-round @ the festival circuit, we wrapped the whole adventure with a nice bow.
Last month, at the BOYLE HEIGHTS LATINA INDEPENDENT FILM EXTRAVAGANZA, The CITY OF LOS ANGELES honored me with a "MOST PROMISING" diploma and a beautiful illustration by Juan Solis.
Thank you all for joining me on this amazing and gratifying ride.
It's been a true gift!!!
Amazing!!! I am very proud of everyone involved in this short film. Especially our visionary and amazing director Daniela De Carlo!!! This short has had an amazing life so far, full of surprises and recognition. I'm sure it will continue to warm hearts for generations to come!
Pedro Bromfman
Felicitaciones, Daniela. Yo también soy argentina y me alegra que los argentinos triunfen el cine. ¡Ya son varios!
¿Dónde puedo vert TGW?
Cristina Altieri
Majica!! Este corto ha sido increíble. Un éxito rotundo. Te felicito!!! Perdona que no te he mandado el sobre todavía. Lo haré lo antes posible. Muchos besicos. ¿Qué tal va el siguiente proyecto en Brasil?
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